Monday, May 9, 2011

Wounded Soldier by Otto Dix

     Wounded Soldier is a piece of artwork by Otto Dix, a German painter and printer who lived from 1891 to 1969(Otto Dix). Dix served during the First World War while fighting for the German Army(Simkin). It was there that he experienced the true horrors of war, greatly influencing his art and enabling him to produce emotionally moving pieces of artwork eventually recognized as “perhaps the most powerful as well as the most unpleasant anti-war statements in modern art.”(Henshaw) His most famous works can be found in his collection of etchings, Der Krieg: an extensive collection of artwork completed in 1924 consisting of fifty prints separated into five sections, all portraying the traumatic experiences of war(Otto Dix) . This collection of works widely influenced some of the major artists of the twentieth century such as Pablo Picasso and Ben Shahn(Henshaw). After the war, Dix continued his art, focusing primarily on religious allegories and “depictions of post-war suffering.” (Otto Dix)
     The style of Dix’s Wounded Soldier follows the theme of death and devastation as found in another one of Dix’s most influential works, Trench Warfare, completed in 1932(Simkin), showing the nightmarish illustration of the war trenches festering with disease, plagued by the stench of decomposing corpses and immersed in the filth and blood of war. Similarly, Wounded Soldier, an aquatint etching of the Der Krieg collection, completed in 1916(Otto Dix), focuses on the experiences of war as it demonstrates Dix’s encounter with a man, shot from a bullet, falling over dead beside him. It implements an unrefined color pallet of monotone white, black, and grey, providing a solemn atmosphere and drawing attention towards the “bleaker side of life, unsparingly depicting…violence, old age, and death.”(Otto Dix) The defeated, disfigured soldier is an extensive depiction of the repulsive, decaying condition of man, demonstrating not only the damage and disfigurement of the physical aspects of war, but also of the psychological.
     In Dix’s Wounded Soldier, we are provided with a horrifying, barefaced depiction of war, representing the very decadence of humanity. It is through this portrayal of human decadence that this artwork pertains to the prevailing theme of the destruction of war throughout history.

Guernica by Pablo Picasso

     Guernica is a painting completed in 1937(Harris) by Pablo Picasso, a Spanish painter and sculptor of the twentieth century, most famously known for his unique abstract art style and contribution to the cubism movement. This specific painting was commissioned by the Spanish government and was painted as a response to the Spanish Civil War, specifically the Italian and German Luftwaffe bombing of Guernica, a small military manufacturing village inhabited by primarily women and children on April 26, 1937(Guernica (painting)). Guernica was exhibited at the 1937 International Exposition World’s Fair in Paris(Guernica (painting)) and has remained one of the major pieces of artwork of the twentieth century(Harris).
     Picasso’s Guernica is a mural, oil painting that illustrates an abstract depiction of the war. Through the use of solely black, white, and grey, bleak and lifeless colors, the artist provides a melancholy atmosphere. Throughout the painting, you find a the mangled depiction of a dismembered soldier, a mother grieving over the death of her child, people in agony, an injured horse, and a bull. There’s a plethora of hidden imagery and symbolism scattered throughout the painting. The light bulb positioned at the top left center of the painting and shaped into the shape of an evil eye not only serves as a reference to the bombing of the town of Guernica, through the Spanish word for light bulb, “bombilla, but also serves as a reference towards technology and it’s believed detrimental and destructive influences on society(Guernica (painting)). Juxtaposed with the light bulb is an outstretched arm and lamp, contrasting the reference towards the bomb, a symbol of sorrow and pain, and signifying a sense of hope. There is a hidden illustration of the horse, being gored by a bull beneath him, and overall, there is the hidden image of a large skull found in the varying textures in the background(Harris).
     Through the dismembered soldier’s body, the grieving mother cradling her dead child, mangled bodies, and crumbling environment, Picasso presents a moving depiction of the tragedy of war. And, through this depiction, this piece of artwork pertains to the prevailing theme of the Destruction of War in art throughout history through it’s imagery of the resulting calamities and chaos of war.


The Battle of Anghiari by Leonardo da Vinci

       The Battle of Anghiari is an original and unfinished work by Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian painter, inventor, and writer who live from 1452 to 1519 (Leonardo da Vinci).  Known for his works Mona Lisa and The Last Super, he is considered possibly “one of the greatest painters of all time (Leonardo da Vinci),” and also, “perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived (Leonardo da Vinci),” due to his work in the sciences in mathematics, anatomy of humans and animals, and through his innovative engineering and inventions which have significantly influenced modern-day devices (Leonardo da Vinci).  The Battle of Anghiari was commissioned in Florence, Italy in 1503 (The Battle of Anghiari (painting)), presented in The Hall of Five Hundred, displaying the Battle of Anghiari, which was a war set in Tuscany, Italy that took place on June 29, 1440 (Battle of Anghiari (1440)) between the Milan and Italian League (Leonardo da Vinci).  Unfortunately, Leonardo encountered technical difficulties while attempting to apply oil paints to the wall, and soon abandoned the project, leaving it incomplete (The Battle of Anghiari (copy after Leonardo)).  The most evidence found of this piece of artwork can be found in three preliminary sketches and unfinished mural painting (Battle of Anghiari (1440)).  The most famous reproduction of this painting was done by Peter Paul Rubens and can be found exhibited in the Louvre in Paris (Leonardo da Vinci).
     The initial intention for this painting was to be a gigantic oil mural painting. It was to depict the violent clash of combating cavalrymen, providing a scene of complete confusion and disorder, a gripping scene of violence.  With vivid exasperated expressions of raging hatred, we witness the fierce collision and intertwining bodies of the men and horses, viciously struggling for control and dominance. Although never completed, it has been established that Ruben’s copy has most succeeded in miraculously preserving the “portrayal of fury, the intense emotions, and the sense of power (Leonardo da Vinci)” that was most likely initially present in Leonardo’s original.
     This specific piece of artwork relates to the theme of the destruction of war through history in the way that it so perfectly exemplifies man’s evils during war and the absolute mayhem that occur through the fight for dominance and its resulting acts of extreme violence and animosity.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Work Cited

Battle of Anghiari (1440). 28 October 2010. 24 April 2011
Guernica (painting). 2011 йил 17-April. 2011 йил 22-April
Harris, Mark. Picasso's "Secret" Guernica. 1996. 2011 йил 22-April
Henshaw, Mark. The Art of War: Otto Dix's Der Krieg Cycle 1924. 2011. 22 April 2011
Leonardo da Vinci. 17 April 2011. 22 April 2011
Otto Dix. 2011 йил 4-April. 2011 йил 23-April
Otto Dix. 2011. 23 April 2011
Pablo Picasso. 2011 йил 14-April. 2011 йил 22-April
Simkin, John. Spartacus Educational. 2011 йил 22-April
The Battle of Anghiari (copy after Leonardo). 2011. 24 April 2011
The Battle of Anghiari (painting). 24 March 2011. 24 April 2011